A beach walk at Liseleje in Northern Zealand in November

A beach walk at Liseleje in Northern Zealand in November

A walk along the beach on a cold November day sharpens your senses and opens your eyes to a lot of details that you would otherwise overlook.
The Danish winter can be spent in many ways: Good books and movies, leisure studies, socializing, time to think - and a walk in a wood in November is definitely worth a visit. There is a very special atmosphere in walking through a forest or walking along a deserted beach in the dusk in the late autumn. The contrast to the summer gives nature an extra dimension, which sharpens the senses and opens your eyes to a lot of details, that you would otherwise overlook.
To me, autumn is the beginning of a period of plenty of activities rarely done in summer. I prefer the Danish climate instead of the weather in warmer countries with little difference between summer and winter. The change of the seasons is full of charm, partly because their contrasts surprise you each time - even though it is something that you have experienced many times. When you have got used to the very late sunset in summer, it's hard to imagine, that in a few months, it will be dark already at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.